Welcome to the W8FGU website. This site contains content related to the Amateur Radio Station W8FGU, owned and operated by Dave Van Wallaghen. It is located in Brownstown, MI about 25 miles south of Detroit.
Nothing special here. I just got tired of describing or emailing pictures of some of the projects I've been working on in the shack. I figure it will be much easier to email a web address and save a little time :-)
The content here will be updated when necessary. I don't anticipate frequent updates as what little time I have is distributed between my family, job and a nice side business producing enclosures :-)
The picture above is of me and my beautiful wife Brenda while we were hiking in Sedona, AZ a few years ago. Would have been nice to have a KX3 up there ;-)
Please email me if you have any comments, questions, or concerns.